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Funny Girl with Big Boobs!

When I was born my mother thought I was very small so she nicknamed me Jewel. I don't go by that name because as you can see, I'm not tiny any more! My real name is Ashely. I was an early bloomer, in fact, they didn't even make clothes my size with room for boobs. These girls have always attracted a lot of attention, but I always managed to get them to behave. Well there was this one bikini top, but that wasn't their fault... it was just too small!

Anyway, you'll never find a diamond the size of my jewels. I can guarantee you they will dazzle you! You know what's fun, a full body Las Vegas NURU massage with these girls. It's like having an extra pair of hands. Well, I came up with a few idea, now it's your turn. Call me at the Las Vegas escorts service and let's see what you can come up with?

My favorite date is horseback riding, I also love playing black jack. On weekends I hit the buffets like the seafood buffet at Rio. If you like the casinos, I will bring you luck! I am so excited just knowing that I will be connecting with you, and we will both be embarking on an adventure that will not be forgotten so easily. In your room, you and I will be totally free to show how naughty and loving we could be but I prefer being in control while I take full charge in doing those things meant to make you happy, relaxed, aroused, and touched with pleasure losing you in the world of pleasure.

Ashley will show you the time of your lifeā€¦in her underwear.Ashley is glowing, ready to show you a good time.Ashley is thinking about how she wants to rub you down.  Just check out that tight body Ashley has! Wow!!

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