Nuru Massage

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What really is Nuru Massage?

Nuru massage is meant for you if you are open to try new and fascinating things that will enrich your mind and body. Right with us, our girls will help you with the magical variations of this massage technique, making you reach levels of sexual satiation that are beyond magnificent. Our models glide their hands along your body, soothing away the aches and pains within the deep muscle tissue itself. This is carried out all over the body until the muscles become supple and smooth, free from stress, yet aroused by erotic tender touches.

The involvement is sensationally close to orgasmic state, a beautiful feeling altogether. This process allows you to feel sexier than ever, and also being filled with confidence. Wondering where the term NURU is from; haha, it is a Japanese word meaning slippery. You automatically bond and partner with our girls of your choice, doing the Nuru massage. Nuru massage techniques harmonize our bodies and join us together in ways that are more satiating and comforting, all spontaneously.

It is Nuru TIME

Once you make up your mind and finally ready to get slippery, pull up your hair, cause it’s about to get messy. Whether you are face up or face down, the choice is totally yours. Close your eyes and focus on the sensation of your body gliding against the most beautiful girls you get from us, without any distraction.  We will run slowly along your body making you warm, slippery, and sensual – and your body will get activated. Our girls will explore your body using their magic fingers and forearms along your muscles, and gently sliding your skin against theirs.  As this rides on, you enter the comfort zone getting in a position that allows for more body-on-body contact. Don’t bother when they lick you, it is going to be a highly rhythmic connection, bringing body and soul to a better health state. After all, it’s a novelty, and it’s meant to be fun! As with all forms of erotic massages – the excitement and intrigue isn’t about the final orgasm, but rather, appreciating the sensations and the journey to get there.

Nuru MassageTake your time, and have fun exploring these new sensations with our girls!

We use the best of Nuru gels to explore your bodies. The nuru gel is very cool and comfortable when applied to your skin, and when getting a nuru massage from us, we rub your entire body with the nuru and slide on you for a perfect body to body massage. If you aren’t scared of being nude, nuru massage is all you really need. Nuru massage is a technique derived from Asian culture and the term "Nuru" means "smooth/slippery" in Japanese.  Nuru Massage is practiced all over the world now because of its physical and mental health benefits. It has a strong and outstanding impact on the overall health status for its beneficiaries.

It is time to indulge yourself in this massage by contacting us now. During a massage encounter, participants will try to get the widest possible physical contact, the masseuses often using their whole body on the person to be treated. Strong tactile sensations are prompted that are designed to dismiss stress. When you get a nuru massage from us, you end up with a harmonious balance within the mind and the body. Nothing as soothing as this, offering lush hydration for the skin, and an exfoliation of the mind so that new thoughts emerge and passions released. With its power to increase libido, it generally unites mind and body together.

Our models always pay attention to your responses while giving the nuru massage, the world’s best ways available. We will start light and end where you are going to have the most sensitivity.  This will leave you sparked up wanting something much more, and the intimate connection that it creates. Below are ways couples can do nuru massage on their own but can never be compared to what you get when professionally given by our girls.

Make sure you have the nuru gel available, except you want to compromise with other gel types.

Keep a nice sized bowl of warm water near the mattress for easy accessibility. With this, you blend the nuru gel in with the water solution, mixing until the right consistency is fashioned. Next is to set the ambience in the room. Get some candles burning, or maybe even incense. Make sure to ignite a romantic setting as this really does add to the budding excitement. The gel and the massage work so much better when both people are wet, hence, the wetter, the better as this helps the flow more slippery! Communication is key as well here, so keep at it talking and laughing during the sensual massage.  This is a moment to relax, unwind, and physically and mentally connect. Feeling his or her fingers slip and slide along your curve, linger at your most sensitive spots, and tease you with tempting touches in the places you desire most.  Romance is ignited as you both explore each other’s bodies and find which spots truly delight you.

gretchen5When a nuru massage turns sensual, the passion and excitement is only heightened.

As your partner slithers along your intimate areas and starts to massage areas beyond your exposed skin, their gentle, sensual movements can have you lost in your own world of wild fantasies.
Your pleasure builds and increases until you can scarcely think straight, and drop yourself at the hands of your partner. Partners are advised to place themselves in positions that will provide the most sensitivity. Coaxing the muscles into relaxation through direct hand and body contact and applying the movement which is most pleasing to both partners is created.

Nuru massage is absolutely needed for all adults and is an act which captivates the desires of humanity, from the glory of sexuality. It can be totally done without penetration if it is a choice. Satisfied and relaxed, in the end both partners should be warmly aroused and totally relaxed, reveling in the feelings that they’ve triggered within one another.  This is an excellent therapy for intimacy and stress relief as obtained.  While there is no exact way of performing the Nuru massage, these techniques are simply creative starters to help you begin enjoying the sensations with your partner. 

Couples can experiment as they are comfortable with.

This is one of the most creative of positions, though the others are intriguing as well. In this massage approach which our girls are damn good at, you position the partner and gripping the sides of both of the thighs.  This goes vice versa as well. You can actually reach up to the middle part of your partner’s back, applying more pressure in this region than anywhere else.  Always maintain the grip at the thighs so you won’t slip right off your partner! 

We give you positions that make you ask for more.

Another effective way of massaging your partner’s body to remove unwanted stress and anxiety is by grasping his or her ankles firmly as to keep your position on your partner’s body. The recipient maintains the face down position, lying on their abdomen. It is a point that while this move rides, it is also extremely therapeutic due to the parts of the body that are sliding against one another, so better health in the long run. While our ladies breasts caress your most sensitive parts, chemical signals within the brain that trigger sexual arousals are created. We provide just the right amount of motion for relaxation and of course, intent pleasure. Our models will have you get caught up in your own little world of pleasure and relaxation, unaware of the world around you. To understand more on this form of massage, watch instructional dvd and nuru massage videos online for inspiration. Thereafter come to us and get a real nuru massage for your excitement, sexual and total healing.

Take your time, and have fun exploring these new sensations!

This new massage technique has borrowed practices from alternative medicine and it is known because of its impact over the overall health status. Starting now, our Nuru massage experts are waiting on you to decide and if you are lost with a decision to make, simply contact us to discuss this further with right advice and recommendations for your total well-being and healthy lifestyle. There are many massage parlors and independent massage providers around the states, but we are simply the best.