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Third Anniversary It's Party Time

Hey there! I am Cindi and I am one of the funnest girls in Vegas. And guess what!? This is my third year in my Las Vegas escorts career, I am happy that you found me. Perhaps you have some ideas of what you would like us to do together? I was wondering what I should do to celebrate my third anniversary. Perhaps you want to take me out to a club, or a for night swim? There are many experiences that we can enjoy together, let's put our heads together

Some of my favorite things are babyback ribs, my dog, Lilly, cuddling on a rainy day, and I still love to dress up for Halloween. When I finished high school, I decided I want to get my own apartment. I started out on my own and at one point I went to Junior College for two years. I was having a hard time finding work and I needed to pay my rent. My friend was working for Las Vegas Escorts and she asked if they were hiring. They were, so I started being a part of the escort service and doing Las Vegas couples massages as well. It didn't take long before people were calling in request me. I really put my heart into giving the best service I can give. People really appreciate when someone cares enough to do their best.

Your time with me for a night will keep you excited and happily fulfilled for a long time. I am a totally friendly, compassionate and affectionate girl with all the styles and carriage of a celebrity. I am kind of a shy lady as well but can be very naughty and adventurous when we are together alone in your room. I am a qualified and certified Las Vegas stripper and also a great escort with intelligence to make your outings unforgettable. I will ride with you to anywhere you desire and shower you with love and affection you never dreamed existed.

Cindi is ready to tease what’s under her panties.That booty just looks delicious. And she’s already in bed.Pushing her chest out, Cindi knows how to make her big tits look bigger.
One more move and Cind’s top falls off!Will you have Cindi on a desk? She’s better than the rest.

Call Now! 702-462-8885

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