Oh Yes, I Caught You Looking!
Hey there! I see you. My name is Gemma. So you've been checking out my body just now, right? I wonder if you like how I look? Do you like my hair?Do you like my curves? I am one of the youngest girls here at Las Vegas in room massage services. There was an opening for a girl who enjoys people, and likes to work with her hands. I kind of wondered what they meant by "Likes to work with my hands?"
What I do when I am curious about something, I have to go and find out. So I found out, I really love working with my hands, know what I mean? I'll see a nice guy, you know a nice guy like you, been working hard all day and he needs a girl who is really good with her hands. I like to get all the kinks out. That's just what I do, I work it and work it until there are no kinks left.
So I Believe That You Are a Really, Really Nice Guy! When I work on a guy really, really good, he get's this special look in his eyes. Do you know the look I mean? I kind of know I have been doing a really, really good job and we are almost finishes when I see that look. I'll bet you are a really nice guy, are you? This would be a nice night for a massage. Have you ever tried the Las Vegas tantric massage.
I am hoping you'll give me a call and we could talk about my favorite way to give a tantric massage. Nice guys like you can really benefit from my work. I work very slowly, and carefully, and lovingly. Sometimes the mood in the room changes while I am giving tantric massage. You might like to try it?