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Expert in NURU All Body Massage

Hi, my name is a Lauren and I am a Las Vegas NURU massage professional, if you want me to help you to fully relax tonight, just give me a call and I will take care of the rest. Often I massage two or three people in the hotel room myself. It just so happens I have some friends who haven't partied with me in a while and they would love to come over for a really great time. We can set the mood and then we'll take turns relaxing you until your body is soft as putty!You have never been this relaxed!

If you want some extra entertainment, I think we should set up the living room in your hotel for a little stripping number I choreographed all by my self. This is going to be a lot of fun. If you like beer, or wine, we could have a light snack and then settle in for a long night of games, and dancing, and then we can try some of my new massage moves.

The only thing you have to worry about is when we give our famous Las Vegas tantric massage, or the NURU, they are both performed by naked massagers. If you are ready for this kind of intense entertainment, you should give us a call right now. Hurry while we are in the massaging mood. Well, that's ok, we are always in a massaging mood. I am just quick phone call away!

She’s already on the floor. Won’t you join her?Lauren might have the sexiest hair in all of Vegas.Lauren is the adult, naughty Shirley Temple.Oh, you know, just looking sexy and staring off into your eyes.Lauren is beside herself as to why you haven’t come over yet.Lauren is beside herself as to why you haven’t come over yet.

Call Now! 702-462-8885

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