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College Girls are Fun!

Hey handsom. My name is Naomi and welcome to my Las Vegas escorts profile! I am still in college and I only planned to work as an escort for the summer to earn some extra money for school. Only I found I was good at this, and it is a lot of fun. I meet nice people, and I enjoy doing so many things in Las Vegas, it's always very interesting work.

As an escort, I have had the opportunity to see and do so many things I never would have done without this job. Every day when I wake up I wonder what new and interesting experiences I will have. Sometimes it feels like it's not just a new day, but it's a whole new world.

Do You Like My Picture? So I was thinking, what kind of a day do you want to have today? Would you like to try something new and exciting? Would you like to try something new and exciting with me? I know a lot about this city, we could go out to some clubs, see a show, or get some dinner? I am a fan of Las Vegas in room massage services, so if you just want to spend a quiet evening at your hotel room, I am up with that too. We could order pizza and beer and entertain each other.

If you think you'd like me to give you one of my fantastic massages, you should call me and we can discuss what kind of massage you want?

Stranded on an island with Naomi. Not too shabby.Adrift at sea, Naomi is searching for you.Naomi knows how to make the ocean wet.Naomi is so cold and wet. She needs you right now.Sand, it gets everywhere. Like Naomi on you.She's waiting for your call...

Call Now! 702-462-8885

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